Friday, 10 September 2010

August 21st

After a good night sleep we wake up under a cloudy sky. The first time we see clouds since we arrived more than two weeks ago. It is amazing how quickly someone gets used to constant blue sky. While I am busy explaining to the kids that it does happen, that it does not mean it is going to rain and that it can stay overcast all day and sometime for a few days in a row, the sky clears up.

During breakfast we have visitors that are far kinder than the last big one, birds lots of them and of all sorts of colours.

We take the time to go around the sanctuary before driving on, to the Tuli Block. We see loads of animals, some that we have not seen yet until now, like the Springbok, and Hartebeest.

We are now on our way to our friend’s farm in the Tuli area, we get there late afternoon in time to see the sunset by the Limpopo, one of my favourite river. Again full of water, it is a major change as the last time we were there in 1995 it was totally dry.

We have a “real” braii this time with loads of meat and very little else just the way they do it in this part of the world.

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